How purple shampoo work

If you dye your hair blonde or cooler ashy toned color, you might use purple shampoo.

If some body doesn’t know about it, it’s good news.

As a hair stylist, purple shampoo is our strong ally.

Do you know why?

Because that is an amazing shampoo to able to prevent turning to brushy yellow until next your hair appointment.

Although it take out brassy yellow even if you don’t have a blonde hair.

Color theory and purple shampoo

Every body once had experience drawing on white paper with crayon or paint when you were kids. Mixed with two or three colors.

Do you remember when you mixed some colors, it’s gets darker and getting to be dark grayish color.

It is based on color theory.

These are called completely colors.

The complementary color is the combination of two color when it mix, loses color hue.
It cancel out each other.

Purple + Yellow

Red + Green

Blue + Orange


This is why people use purple shampoo who want to illuminate brushy yellow, or keep nice cooler tone of color, purple shampoo works very well.
If there are two people with high toned hair color, one use color enhancing shampoo and one doesn’t use………..

Obviously big difference.

As a hair stylist I am very happy who take care of their hair at home.

I am not mean to be dye your hair with a boxed color!

Your hair stylist more able to design your hair and you will get more nice result.

Same as your skin.

Care of your self!!!

Little effort builds attractiveness.


Proper shampoo protocol


Kinesthetic learning